Jeremiah is known as the Weeping Prophet. He lived a long, sad life of hardships following God. Jerusalem was destroyed in his lifetime. Baruch, Lamentations, and Epistle of Jeremiah all talk about it as well.
There are two different versions of Jeremiah: The LXX and the Masoretic. We have found both in the Dead Sea Scrolls which are 1st CE dated. The LXX is agreed mostly to be older and that the MT added things. These notes are from the LXX.
Jeremiah's calling is during Josiah's reign, king of Judah.
In 612 BC, Assyria/Ninevah is destroyed by King Nebuchaddnezzar II. When referring to him I will be calling him King Neb for short.
In 609 BC, Babylon begins attacking and in 605 BC Assuria begs Egypt for help to help them beat Babylon in exchange for Palestine. Pharoah Neko however gets completely owned in battle and Babylon won all these lands mostly, even parts of Egypt are overtaken until 522 BC when Persia shows up and wins against Babylon and takes over.
Josiah gets a bad idea to ally with Assyria but then in 609 BC, tries to ambush Egypt to try and appeal to Babylon. He dies in this battle and then Judah becomes a vassel-state of Egypt. Then Babylon owns Egypt and Judah is conquered. Jehoahaz is King for 6 months. Jehoiakim then Zedekiah are kings and then Babylon destroys the Temple and Jerusalem and then Exile begins.
Jeremiah's main message is gonna be that Judah has confused themselves as being the Kingdom of God that can't be destroyed. He shows it is not. Kind of like when St. Augustine had to write the City of God for Rome's fall. People thought it couldn't fall so St. Augustine wrote City of God to show otherwise. There are kingdoms of this earth and they are temporary and then there is the unbreakable and indestructable and eternal Kingdom of God.
[Chapter 1]
Jeremiah is of a priestly family.
1:4-10 - He is young and God will put his words in his mouth. Isaiah gets freaked out with God while God, the Word of the Lord (a person) reaches out to talk to Jeremiah. We see the Pre-Incarnation here because the Word is shown.
1:11-19 - Messiah gives him the word... a vision is given. He is making Jeremiah, a fortified city, and the enemies of God will not conquer him. Jerusalem is Jeremiah in this vision, apposed to earthly Jerusalem (The Trinity is already found in the O.T. Judaism scholars know it too...and we can see it here in the 1st Chapter alone). We see Jesus use similar language about the Temple too when he says tear this Temple down in 3 days and I will rebuild it... Because Jesus is the Temple, not Herod's.
[Chapter 2]
Started in Israel (2:1-3).
2:12-13 - God asks "where did I do you (Israel) wrong? What nation ever switched gods? I delievered you and you forsook me". "I'm life and you chose a broken cistern that could never hold water".
2:16 - The Egyptians laugh at you for you are slaves again.
They keep serving Baal and references to temple prostitution are made which consisted largely of homosexual and heterosexual acts where they also did sacrifices and worship that was destructive for all of God's creation and their soul. They deserve the judgment that they are going to get for this.
2:35 God judges them because they refuse to repent.
[Chapter 3]
They act like prostitutes. God divorced the N. Kingdom figuratively speaking after he told her to come back. Judah saw it too and He calls for her repentance. They could be part of salvation but htey refuse. He still loves them but they follow after death and cause their own destruction instead.
[Chapter 4]
What happened to the North will happen to Judah. Jeremiah is troubled (4:19-22). Jeremiah is in anguish over this and weeps like God does for them.
[Chapter 5]
5:1 - References to Abraham with Sodom and Gomorrah are made. Can I find a righteous person? If so, God will save them. Jeremiah tries to haggle some with God but ultimately falls short and finds none.
5:4 - Maybe they haven't figured it out Jeremiah reasons so he will try and reason with them and come to them.
5:5-9 - They purely rebel. They all reject the offer of salvation.
5:10-30 - Jeremiah finds them all to be corrupt from the top to the bottom rung of society.
There is always a remnant of faithfulness however.
5:31 - False prophets who claim peace when chaos is coming abound.
[Chapter 6]
It only takes 40 years for Israel/Jerusalem to fall apart under Jeremiah's prophetic period.
Judah, Levites, and Benjaminites were all that was left of the tribes now at his time. The rest were Assyrian led to exile. Samaritans were a product of the Assyrian Exile. They even have the Samaritan Pentatauch, a distorted Judaism of sorts and to this day Samaritans still exist and sacrifice on Mt. Garrison.
The city will be under seige. This army of the north is Babylon. It comes from the north because the army is following trade toutes and that is the way and direction from where Babylon came to invade Jerusalem.
[Chapter 7]
God will save some but he will also discipline them. He'd have rather them not have been disobedient and repent but God honors our free will cho6)ice.
Jesus and Jeremiah will have a lot of similarities.
40 years is all it will take for the Temple to fall. Before the Temple was built it was in Shiloh, in the Northern Kingdom. God tells Jeremiah to look at it because it is now destroyed in Shiloh. Doesn't esist.
[Chapter 8]
No repentance.
[Chapter 9]
The way we choose to live doesn't just affect us. It affects all of creation. In Jeremiah, it says Israel has polluted even the land.
They have places that they don't use because the pagans had profaned it like the Valley of Hinnon. There in Jerusalem, the bodies of their dead kings will be put out on display. The women are told to lament because their dreams will die.
[Chapter 10]
God says their idols are worthless (10:1-16). This is not icons nor is it a Christmas tree. The point of it is to say that Baal is too dumb to worship. He can't even make his own idols or walk by himself.
10:17-25 - Babylon will overthrow Judah and their leaders to show the problems they kept hiding. They are exposed.
[Chapter 11]
They keep choosing Baal and other false gods so Judah will be destroyed. They will call out to them vs Yahweh when it falls. Yahweh won't help them because they have chosen their path to destruction and he is not going to listen to their prayers because they are neither sincere nor repentant.
Jeremiah gets a plot against him from the men of Anathoth. They try to kill him (11:17-22). His hometown wants to kill him and threatens him: "Prophesy by Yahweh and we'll kill you".
11:21 - The hometown will get destroyed.
Jesus has the same things happen to him as Jeremiah. A prophet is dishonored in his hometown and the people are evil and just like Jeremiah people plot to kill Jesus too.
[Chapter 12]
12:4-5 - Creation suffers for their wickedness.
12:7-13 - God's talking like "I cared for animals and then they became like an untamed animal and so I had to abandon it" when he refers to Judah here.
12:14-17 - Lord responds: Discipline, then remnant. They will return one day.
[Chapter 13]
"linen girdle" this is the cloth used as your underwear or loincloth. He is told to hide this underwear (13:1-3). It is found later to be rotten and gross and unwearable after a time. In the same way, God will destroy Israel like this underwear. It also got itself dirty and worthless over time and needs to be thrown away because it has become useless.
[Chapter 14]
There is a drought taking place. God says it is because of their sin and to try and get them to repent while other prophets who are false prophets keep lying. They will be destroyed by sickness and famine and Babylon. The last part of chapter 14 is Jeremiah trying to repent for all of Israel but no one else can be found that will repent.
[Chapter 15]
Even if Moses and Samuel interceded together, God says he wouldn't listen to it this time. These people are too far gone. Manasseh did evil and only did repent at the end of his life which Josiah tried to reverse but unlike Josiah, there is no more turning point for Israel that will take place. If they could have repented even at the 11th hour, God would have spared them but they would not and it is midnight. Jeremiah feels like a failure for this.
[Chapter 16]
16:5 - Exile/restoration. Celibacy and purity are necessary because they are all disgusting. They don't even know how sinful they are now. God will restore Israel after a time.
16:19 - Restoration will take place 70 years later. They will return in 70 years but the Exile will not truly end (neither the Assyrian nor the Babylonian one in Israel's eyes). "They" (v. 19) the Gentiles mentioned will also serve God.
v. 16 fishermen (Apostles fulfill this)
[Chapter 17]
The Sabbath is an emblem of their whole problem. Every Saturday they were to rest and there were also Sabbath years where they were to let the land rest. Then every 49 years, there was on the 50th, a Jubilee year where all land was reverted back to what it was originally. You had to give the land back to whoever used it originally. This helped keep people out of poverty and helped them start over. As we know though, Israel didn't do this at all and impoverished many people out of greed and did not follow through with what God wanted with this at all. The Day of Rest is important. You have to let God provide for you during this time. No God, no peace. They weren't even close to doing that.
From David's reign to 586 BC that was 490 years worth of screwing up and not doing the Sabbath years 70 times. Because of this, they got 70 years of Exile. This allowed the Land to sit unworked for 70 years with the Exile and be restored.
[Chapter 18]
Israel will be scattered. Like this pot that is used as an illustration, God will smash nations when he has to. Even Babylon and Assyria. Not just Israel.
18:18-23 - There is another plot hatched against Jeremiah. Everyone wants to trip him up and catch him saying something dumb or stupid. This is very similar to the Pharisees trying to do with Christ. Perfect typology right here.
[Chapter 19]
Elders and priests are taken out. The seige he says will be so bad that they will eat their own dead and be cannibals like the ones at the Valley of Hinnon. He smashes the pot like Israel will be smashed.
[Chapter 20]
Pashur is the chief priest at this time. Jeremiah says to him his new name is "immigrant" because he is about to move to another land. Pashur needs to repent and lead the people to repent but he won't.
20:7-13 - Jeremiah complains and says he is being mocked to God. He then tries to stop prophesying and can't do it.
20:14-18 - Jeremiah despises his own life.
[Chapter 21]
Jeremiah's depressed. We tend to think God's call for us will be happy and joyfil but it isn't a lot of the time.
Word comes to Jeremiah under King Zedekiah's reign when the king sent Pashur to him. Pashhur wants him to answer a question. Is he going to take care of Babylon? Jeremiah responds: Zedekiah and Judah will lose and die. The people will also have a choice (he quotes Deuteronomy 32) to live or die by choosing Yahweh. Surrender to be slaves for Babylon will wipe out this land is the message.
[Chapter 22]
Jeremiah is sent by God to the king. Exile is promised for not living under the Covenant.
Shallum: 6 months he rules and is exiled to Egypt (King Jehoihaz).
Jehoiakim: he is the one who is installed by Egypt as a vassel-state king. He doesn't do justice and will be judged for it. He is a bad king and does a bad job. He will be buried like a donkey, not a king.
Even if Jeconiah were to repent it is too late. He might save himself but God would still judge them and bring them into Exile at this point. No more kings.
[Chapter 23]
Jeremiah was under 5 different Judah kings. One decent one was Josiah.
23:1-4 - The leaders are like bad shephards. "I will raise shephards". Jesus uses this same language too to the Jewish leaders of Israel and the Temple falls too then due to apostasy and their being evil and corrupt to the point of no return. God will re-gather the lost sheep however and this will be of Jews and Gentiles.
23:5-6 - A king from the East (Orient) from On High. Jesus is this king prophesied of David's descent. They are exiled to Babylon (in the East). Out of their shame he will bring salvation.
[Adam and Eve it should be noted were exiled to the EAST of Eden] [we see patterns repeat themselves repeatedly in Scripture - Ezekiel we will see later in Ezekiel's notes does this a lot]. North is often symbolic for judgment too. Keep this always in mind when you read the scriptures.
23:15-40 - Blasts false prophets. Eternal reproach and dishonor.
23:13 - Samaria was destroyed. Compares them to Israel. References to Sodom and Gomorrah are also made.
[Chapter 24]
Prophecy of the figs. King Neb. takes useful people captive to Babylon. Deportation is when Jeremiah has his vision. God will take care of the good Judeans and they will repent even in a foreign land. The bad figs will be destroyed and cursed wherever they go. "Worry about the ones who are with you Jeremiah" he basically says.
[Chapter 25]
God has been sending prophets to Israel but she hasn't listened.
25:12 - Exile will be 70 years and then Babylon will be destroyed. He announces when, before time they will come back, thanks to Cyrus. God uses nations to enact justice and His will in the world whether they are aware of it or not.
25:14-19 - Elam - One of the captured citgies. They will be accounted for.
[Chapter 26]
Egypt: Pharoah Neco was defeated by King Neb. of Babylon. Carcamesh's battle they get judged. Last time Egypt was judged was with Moses and the Exodus. They still thought Pharoah was a god. Babylon ruined Egypt as a superpower after this. From this point on, Egypt was never seen as a superpower nation again. Alexander the Great took them out next and they haven't been a superpower since.
13:15 - Apis is mentioned. This is a bull god of Egypt and the same one that they worshipped when Moses came down off the Mountain. God will punish Israel but He will also give other nations time also to repent. Discipline will be right away for Israel though.
[Chapter 27]
Babylon and King Neb. Bel and Merodach (Marduk) will be put down (these are Babylon's gods).
Two dragons are in the Babylon mythos: if you wish to read it google The Anuma Elish.
Sky and Sea had a kid named Marduk. He killed his mom and dad and fought the Sea (chaos). Marduk is the personification of the King. King Neb. would have and did see himself as Marduk. Much like Rome's emperor saw himself as the god Jupiter personified. He too will fall. Israel will come out of exile.
27:12 - The city of Babylon existed since 4000 BC and maybe longer than that. It had been there at least 3000+ years even when Jeremiah was prophesying and now it is a desert. It has one gate left today because Saddam Hussein tried to rebuild it and failed. Even Genesis has the Tower of Babel there because it is THAT old. It is an ancient city.
Cyrus the Persian takes Babylon. It never came back and never has and never will. Babel (Babylon) and Ur (Gen 11:27). By Cyrus' time, Babylon was even more ancient but ultimately it is destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah. This great city, once considered ancient and indestructible and in the NT time this becomes a symbol for the kings and etc. Of power and strength because it was always thought of as one of the 1st cities built by humanity.
[Chapter 28]
Prophecy continues about Babylon. The Medes will handle Babylon. Flee from Babylon. She will fall. It is one of the oldest cities known (ancient). Even before 4000 BC it likely existed as Babel (aka the Tower of Babel (a ziggurat). They tried to build a mountain to be on an equal plain with God and with "the gods" and then it fell because their wickedness truly did basically reach to the heavens.
The Medes (Persians) take Babylon out.
28:13 - It was a walled city on the edge of the Euphrates at the time and the Medes smashed the walls and managed to flood the city first.
28:15-24 - References to Babylon mythology are here where Yahweh shows Babylon's mythos is crap.
28:25-58 - References the scattering of Babel when it was Babel. Babylon will be scattered like Babel was.
God did the Flood in Genesis to them to deal with their depravity but the depravity continues with Babel so he has to sepearate languages to diminsh language. Genesis isn't all down for civilizations... as a matter fact, it is noteworthy that the first city-builder is Cain who is also the first murderer. Humanity seems to become civilizations and then the more powerful they become, the more wicked they become. Even leaders [Augustine. City of God] will call themselves God. So the One True God ultimately judges them eventually and they fall.
A scroll is written about and for Babylon by Jeremiah. He is told this to Seriah. Throws it into the Euphrates. Another scroll is read aloud to Babylon as he is deported.
[Chapter 29]
It is made evident that Babylon could have repented too. Jeremiah's scroll to Seriah is a chance for them to repent too. Daniel the Prophet deals with King Neb. too.
Next: The Phillistines are mentioned and prophesied about. This Cretian coastal people will be judged.
29:8 - Edom is judged. Where Pella is. Judah asked Edom to help but they helped Babylon instead. Eventually in AD 70's destruction of Jerusalem, the Christians will go to Pella (Edom) for refuge.
[Chapter 30]
Ammonites. Descendents of Lot through incest. They went into Gad for territory grabs when North Israel fell. They are to be judged for it.
Kedar, queen of the temple court and a vassel for King Neb is to be judged.
Damascus also a vassel state is to be judged as well.
Themar and Arpod are gods and are said to have failed.
King Hadad is mentioned and referenced. All that he has built is and will be gone.
[Chapter 31]
Moab and her cities and Chemosh (moon-god) will leave and go into captivity. Moab largely was spared from invasion but they won't be if they do not repent. Jeremiah prophesies to abandon Chemosh because trusting in the moon is dumb. The deportation folk were to be shaved and scattered and Moab does not recover.
[Chapter 32]
Next vision. The Cup of the Lord. The LXX is the original with this. There are two different collections of Jeremiah as I said. The version the Early Church went with is the oldest. It mentions unmixed wine which is gross. It makes them vomit to take this.
Drunk and insane. Wrath. End of his mercy starts (God's). He holds it back to let them repent but soon everyone will be judged.
Judgment then begins in Jerusalem and only a small remnant survives it.
[Chapter 33]
At the beginning of King Jehoiakim is topological in the LXX while in the MT there is a more linear history given in its version. God says either way they will be judged like Shiloh which doesn't exist anymore in Jeremiah's time. Babylon is coming, Egypt has lost and if they don't repent, Jerusalem will surely fall. They take this message of Jeremiah's (Israel) to mean he is a traitor and so they put Jeremiah on trial (typology for Jesus who also is put on trial). Jeremiah is put on trial for prophesying against the Temple (same thing happened to Jesus with the Sanhedrin).
33:14-24 - He responds. The people gather and say not to kill Jeremiah so he gets off by Ahikam's aid and dodges the death sentence.
[Chapter 34]
Make chains and send them to all kings around you, to tell them King Neb. will enslave them and be thier king. He warns King Zedekiah that this will be his fate too. He will be his slave. Submit and be a vassel or else. There is a parallel that is drawn between King Neb. and Adam. King Neb. will have all the power and dominion and be put to the test like Adam was. Daniel shows us more to this story in history. Jesus tells Caesar that he only has power because God gave it to him, not as a reward. The same is shown to King Neb. With this power, they will have the choice to choose God or not and choose death like Adam did.
Jeremiah speaks on false prophets too. The Temple has been looted and they are all destined to be killed or deported into exile.
[Chapter 35]
Jeremiah confronts Hannanias a false prophet and says he will die soon. He does die in the 7th month for false prophesying.
[Chapter 36]
Letter for the captives of Babylon is given. God promises he will release them in 70 years. There is even a prayer call for Babylon and King Neb. They are to be faithful even in the Exile.
36:16-23 - Ahab and Zedekiah are judged. The false prophet Shemiah will die as well along with his entire family.
[Chapter 37]
Restoration is to come. He is told to write a record of what he has prophesied so they maybe won't do this all over again. This prophecy however is not written for 516 BC. They still won't have a king yet. There will be a Day of the Lord brough about by a Messiah that is to come. Christ will fulfill this and John the Forerunner will speak on this as well. This is about the last days. Not 516 BC here.
[For dispensationalists, 1948 does not solve this prophecy either as all the judgments did not come on all the nations vs Israel. Dispensationalism is heresy and it is dumb].
A Day of the Lord was on the Cross. Judgment begins with Jews. He had left the Temple already and was not there in the 30s AD. When it was destroyed in 70 AD, God wasn't there in the Temple. He'd already left long ago.
After that Restoration, Gentiles are supposed to come in and then the only thing left is the 2nd Coming.
[Ezekiel will prophesy later of a Temple that doesn't match Herod's or anyone after, etc. John the Apostle we will find gives us the whole picture later].
[Chapter 38]
38:1-15 - God will bring Jew and Gentile into this remnant. They are gathering on the Passover (Pascha). The Day of the Lord was on Passover.
Lodge mentioned is the Tabernacle / Pentacost.
38:15-30 - Rachel weeps. How does she weep? The NT is just books interpreting and explaining the OT. Augustine even says that. Matthew quotes this when Jerod slaughters the innocent children. This passage is used in the NT though. They didn't have verses or chapters until recently. That is a modern innovation we use today. In the NT, they use shorthand and short-quotes. They way they quoted the OT, they would use the first sentence and then you were expected to go look and start there and read it then to get full context. If you wish to understand for example what is going on with Herod, this OT verse will help you get the context behind it. The babies murdered result in Christ who redeems His people. The suffering is because of our sin but joy comes in the mourning.
38:31-40 - King Neb. has basically taken over by now. Two deporations have already happened. A 3rd is to come before slavery comes and it is imminent. It is over though basically. Jeremiah prophesies that in 70 years there will be a return and then goes further. Here is where he goes further and begins to talk about a new covenant that will take place.
Everything in the New Testament is the New Covenant promised in the Old Covenant.
The whole OT is the Old Covenant but we find there to be many covenants in the Old Testament.
Generally, they are talking about the covenant at Mt. Sinai (Deuteronomy).
Usually after war a treaty would be made. After this war, God is giving them a new treaty to take.
There is the covenant God gave at Creation and we see King-Vassel go on here with God (King) and Adam (his vassel). He gave Adam one stipulation and Adam didn't keep it. Then we see Noah's Covenant where he makes a bow as his sign and promises not to destroy Creation with a Flood again.
God anticipated the Old Covenant of Sinai when he made a covenant with Abraham and "cut the covenant".
The big covenant God uses in Exodus (at Sinai) is to fulfill the Abrahamic one. There is also the Davidic covenant that is made as well as one in Numbers with Phineas.
Before Abraham, was the Tower of Babel. There is a rabbinical story (legend) that Abrham was saved out of Ur. Ur means fire in Ugarit. God saved him out of the fire perhaps. Saved from the Tower of Babel for refusing to be a part of it, the people plotted to kill him and so God delivedred him - this is Jewish legend. His family survives because they are not pagan like the rest and chose monotheism. God chose Abraham then to be a light to all nations and come to worship Him, Yahweh.
Abraham cuts the covenant in Genesis 18 with God at the Oaks of Mamre. You usually cut a covenant and the vassel for the king assumes the penalty if broken. However, in this covenant, God is the one that goes in the middle of the cut animals, not Abraham, the vassel for the king. So if Abraham and his people screw up, the king suffers (God suffers the penalty of taking this oath with his vassel). This is unheard of in the ancient world. How will God suffer and be cut and die if Abraham breaks this covenant or his people do? Pretty obviously Jesus is God and does this. The whole of creation is involved in this too. All these covenants we know affect creation (Deut 30 and 32).
38:31-40 - The current covenant has been broken. God will still be faithful by making a new covenant. Everything left has the New Covenant in the background with Jeremiah. He says it is going to be different. He mentions Egypt in a more intimate way. What is wrong with the Old Covenant? Nothing is. It is perfect as it is from God. God is giving a perfect one because we can't do it. God wants to part of the family and wants communion with humanity. To make this happen, he has to help us overcome ourselves and to do this Christ will have to purify us of our sins, so Christ will take it upon Himself, God-Incarnate, will fulfill the Old Covenant and succeed in all that we, humanity, have failed at all so he can make us His people. Christ moves us from the Old to the New Covenant.
He is going to have a personal relationship with us. Not just people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, etc. or some select few. He will pour out Spirit on all flesh like Joel/Acts says. It is in future tense: They WILL be My People. He will make them holy and lead them into holiness.
38:35 - "family of Israel". Everything would have to be gone before He would leave His family.
38:38 - This is not a literal city (earthly) being discussed. It is huge, this new land.
Last Supper is when he makes covenant (Jesus). He cuts the covenant (inaugurates with His own body and blood).
[Chapter 39]
10th year of Zedekiah. Babylon's cornered them. jeremiah gets locked up for prophesying. Jeremiah buys a field of land from his cousin during this seige. Weird to mention but he does this. Pays 100 lbs of silver for it which is a lot of money.
He gives it to Baruch, his scribe to stash it in a cave to preserve it (much like the Dead Sea Scrolls) because one day people will own this land and be on it again. 70 years from now, they will get the land (Jeremiah's family). After they sealed the deed, Babylon took it. Idolatry caused this. Worship of Baal and Molech. Return is discussed in 39:36-44.
[Chapter 40]
They do come back to the land but this mention of the presence of God returning to the Temple doesn't happen under Ezra or Nehamiah. It doesn't happen when the temple is rededicated by the Maccabeans either. This is a huge reason the Jews considered themselves still in Exile when Jesus came along. The only thing that truly fits for this is the New Covenant.
40:7-8 - Judah returns from this exodus due to Babylon and begins rebuilding but are still technically in exile of some sort because the presence of God does not return to the Temple when rebuilt.
[Of note: Daniel was in the 2nd deportation]
[Chapter 41]
Zedekiah (God is just) shall enter Babylon. He will lose the war but he won't be executed because God promised David that he would have a survivor of his lineage. Judah is now three walled cities being seiged. Zedekiah frees his slaves (indentured servitude) but they refuse to be freed. It has been 490 years that they have been actively NOT freeing the slaves as told to do for Jubilee and end of debt seasons. In other words, he tries to do the Torah but it is too late.
The covenant Zedekiah makes is violated and they all go down.
[Chapter 42]
Days of Jehoiakim: 3 kings ago. Jeremiah gathers Rachabites. Shallum is to take care of the Temple. Tells them to drink wine and they remember their vow not to take wine and so because of Jonadab, they are rewarded by God. Sons of Racheb shall live.
[Chapter 43]
Baruch is told to tell all people what needs to be done and they refuse to heed the warning. Jeremiah scribed this to Baruch. The people tell them to hide. All fail to listen. Jehoikam is going to die and be taken out for his judgment and for being an arrogant idiot.
[Chapter 44]
Zedekiah won't repent. They are all given a chance to repent but they choose death. Zedekiah makes a deal with Egypt. God says you have to deal with Me now. The people do not like Jeremiah the Prophet and think he is just pro-King Neb. King Neb wipes out Judah because Zedekiah who was appointed vassel betrays him for Egypt. Jeremiah is put in prison for telling the truth to the people. He tells Zedekiah the truth and then gets thrown into a cistern after his prison-time. They do keep him fed though for a time and he is given a loaf of bread to eat.
[Chapter 45]
These people hear Jeremiah's prophecy. Shephatiah says it to the king and so the king says to him, "Look he is in your hands now!" Similar to Caesar and Jesus, the king is scared of his people.
[It is noteworthy that these people seem to think and act like the Word of Faith denomination people who think that they can just speak a good thing into existence... this is magic pagan thinking and vain].
[Pilate knew Christ was innocent and let Jesus die anyways an unjust death. At least the Jews had a reason and thought that Jesus was a false prophet].
Ebed-melech the Ethiopian calls Zedekiah out (a Gentile) and then the king says to get Jeremiah out of the cistern but Jeremiah then ends up back in the prison court.
Jeremiah is called by the king again to a secret consultation. Jeremiah says basically that he is damned if I do, damned if i don't in answering him. So he tells him that he will live if he surrenders and to just do it. The king doesn't do it obviously out of pride and vanity. Jeremiah then just sits there and waits until Jerusalem has been captured. He has given up hope for them and just awaits the judgment.
[Chapter 46]
Jerusalem falls. Ebed-melech the Ethiopian is to be spared. A Gentile has been saved by God (46:18). The seige took 1 and 1/2 years but is over now.
[Chapter 47]
Jeremiah is taken as an exile to Babylon in handcuffs. Nebuzaradan is assigned to them and knows Jeremiah to be a prophet. He says Jeremiah can be in eile or run and spares him.
Gedeliah is going to be the governor of Babylon. Some people that are left begin to start an assassination plot and some guy named Ishmael kills him.
[Chapter 48]
Ishmael kills Gedeliah Governor of Babylon for Judah and then Ishmael keeps putting people in the cisterns. Kills a bunch of Samaritans who have come as religious pilgrims. This is unjust.
[Chapter 49]
Those left put Ishmael down and kill him and then leave to Egypt because Ishmael has killed Governor Gedeliah and they know they will be executed for this having been done by King Neb. The people left follow Jeremiah and he tells them not to flee for Egypt. All of them will die if they go to Egypt.
[Chapter 50]
They do not listen, call Jeremiah a liar and then choose to go to Egypt. They take him forcefully to Egypt and to Tahpankes. Egypt is prophesied to then get whacked and judged by Babylon and it does.
[Chapter 51]
They live like Egyptians in apostasy and serve Isis, a goddess (false god-demon).
51:31-35 - Prophecy for Baruch is given, faithful scribe. He is told to not try and be important and to live humble and that if he does this he will be blessed by God.
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